In the last bargaining round, the UFA and UM Administration successfully negotiated a one-time pool of $25,000 to fund ten Outstanding Performance Awards for NTT faculty. The time to apply for these awards is fast approaching in the Fall 2016 Faculty Evaluation Process. In response to questions, we offer the following information designed to be helpful in this process.
Common questions regarding non-tenurable faculty Outstanding Performance Awards (OPAs):
What qualifies me for an OPA?
- Answer: OPAs are intended to reward excellence in the performance of non-tenure track faculty. The requirements for an OPA are the same as those for a Merit, which can be found in CBA 10.110.3(a). However, one clarification is relevant: in the case of an NTT faculty with assigned duties in only one area, such as teaching or research, outstanding performance or special recognition in that area is sufficient.
How do I let people know that I want to be considered?
- Answer: You write that you want to be considered for an OPA very clearly and explicitly in the cover letter attached to your IPR, and be sure your FEC and Department Chair know that you are applying.
What performance period should an IPR intended for an OPA cover?
- Answer: You can include as many as 7 years and as few as 1 year of performance. However, if you have received a merit of some sort in the past, the performance period of your IPR cannot overlap with that of your most recent award.
Can a non-tenurable faculty member apply for both a merit and an OPA this year?
- Answer: The process for this award does not preclude or prohibit any non-tenure track faculty member from pursuing or receiving any rewards or recognition for meritorious performance through other procedures or mechanisms.
I’m a new visiting professor. Am I eligible?
- Answer: No, because you need to have been here for one academic year for your performance over that year to be evaluated.