Several critical documents underpin the work of the UFA and govern the faculty at the University of Montana.
Documents Governing Faculty
- Collective Bargaining Agreement. This agreement between the UFA and the entire Montana University System governs how faculty are hired, their rights while employed and issues ranging from sick leave to pay. The CBA covers all tenured and tenure-track appointments.
- Non-Tenurable Academic Appointments. Those instructors and faculty not governed by the CBA are covered by a set of policies put forward by the University of Montana.
University Faculty Association Documents
- Constitution
- UFA Internal Financial Policies-Adopted
- Executive Board Meeting Policy-Adopted
- Conflict of Interest Policy
Additional Resources
Regarding Asbestos
For all concerns pertaining to asbestos, including past clearance testing records and building materials sampling results, please contact the work order desk at 243-6091 or email .
Requests for access to records will be acknowledged by email within 2 business days and appointments for access will be scheduled in consultation with the requestor. For basic information about the campus asbestos management program, call or email:
Chris Newlon, Facilities Services, 406-243-5200,