This semester will see dramatic changes at UM and your input is critical to making sure the voice of the faculty is heard throughout these important decisions.
First, on program prioritization. The committee, Academic Program and Administrative Services Prioritization, will have to review some 420+ reports on different programs around the university. To ensure the process is as thorough as possible, the committee has adopted a review process that ensures three designated reviewers will consider each report and independently report on the program. Their report will serve as the basis of the prioritization’s assessment of the group.
To achieve this essential and ambitious goal the task force needs help. They have asked UFA (as well as faculty and staff senate) for 12 names of people who would be willing to review reports. This process will unfold during the month of October and into early November.
If you are willing to serve as a reviewer, please email Lee Banville ( as soon as possible. The committee has asked for names by early next week, so please let us know by Monday.
Also, this month the University of Montana will bring four finalists for the job of president at the university. This new president will play a critical role in shaping the post-APASP UM and we therefore encourage our members to be as involved as possible during their visits.
You can do this by reviewing their backgrounds, attending meetings and filing reviews of the candidates.
More about the finalists can be found at the search website as can the schedules public forums and receptions for the candidates.